Eagle pcb gcode bottom
Eagle pcb gcode bottom

We need to then change the size to 5 mil, so that we have more precise movements with our parts. To aide us in placing the parts we will utilize the Grid feature which we access by clicking View>Grid. The rest of the parts go in-between the two rows of connectors. We need them a specific distance apart and have the A1 and A2 connectors parallel to the D1 and D2 connectors. For the most part this is an anything goes affair with all of the other parts, BUT the pin alignment is key for our connectors. The box is where our circuit goes, we need to put those parts in a logical pattern for our CNC machine to not only mill it out, but be able to place the circuit board on an Arduino and have it function properly. Notice how we have our parts in a jumbled mess right next to a box on screen.Now press OK and we get the screen below.Now go to the layout area and click the dot next to Black.You do this by going to Option>User Interface. For this part you will want to change the color of your background to make it easier to see all of your parts before we move them right on to the board.We are going to do this by having S1 Pin3 connected to D2-2, Then we have S2 Pin 3 connected to D2-1, S3 Pin 3 to D1-6 and finally S4 Pin 3 connected to D1-5.Now we need to connect each junction to some connectors. Once you get the junctions on the schematic, then you go ahead and click on our wire tool.And now we just click each Pin 3 on our switches.Now we need to add some junctions to each of the Pin 3's of our switches.Next using the wire tool from before connect the grounds to the resistors then the resistors to leg 3 on each of the switches.Don't forget to give each resistor a 330 ohm value. You can add them to the schematic under the switches similar to what is shown. Use the ADD tool go to: supply1>GND, for your grounds and resistor>RE_U>RE_U_0207/10 for your resistors. We need to add more grounds and resistors to them before we can do anything else. Now that we have all of our LED's ready to go we then can focus on the switches.

Eagle pcb gcode bottom